Local busdrivers are becoming incredibly frustrated by the amount of buses louie laveist has on the road, which is hurting their ability to earn a living. How much do Parliamentarians earn? More than European Parliamentarians, but this hasn’t stopped many from using their position to earn even more money under the table. The local bus drivers are suffering. Part of the reason is that Parliamentarians such as Louie Laveist has DOZENS of buses on the road, ran by Haitians. This is how it’s done. When the government or ministers pretend that they are assisting the locals by giving out taxi or bus licenses, their friends in government get the majority of these permits. They then turn these permits and licenses into illicit money making ventures. Louie Laveist hires ONLY Haitians, to run these illicit buses, which are driving the local busdrivers out of business. The Haitians pay Louis Laveist between $40 and $50 dollars per day to drive these buses using his permits. If this is legal, how is it ethical. Haitians and sometimes Dominicanos are the only ones hired to run these buses, and because they have to pay ‘rent’ everyday, they tend to be the dangerous bus “sharks” on the road, cutting through traffic, cutting in front of other buses etc. The Haitians allow this grafting, because they feel that they have no choice, they cannot afford their own buses. There are many more illicit and sometimes downright illegal activities perpetrated by our government to be covered. From project scams, to permits and licenses.
St Maarten politricking is about to be aired worldwide.